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6 Smart Home Gadgets You Need in the Kitchen

We live in a world where technology is making our lives better all the time, especially in our homes. Smart kitchen gadgets are proven to save time during the daily grind and make cooking easier. Here are 6 smart home gadgets that will improve your time spent in the kitchen.

Espresso Maker with Bluetooth

For all those coffee lovers out there, here is one thing that you should have. At first, the name might throw you off— does this coffee maker play music or something? The beauty of coffee makers with Bluetooth functionality is that you don’t have to get up early to make coffee anymore. Instead, simply connect it to your smart device over Bluetooth to set up a scheduled brew time, start a brew remotely, or even, manage your capsule stock.

Smart Slow Cooker

Here’s another handy kitchen gadget every smart home should have. Smart slow cookers connect via Wi-Fi so you can monitor it with your smartphone and even turn it on and off. Smart slow cookers that come with their own app also let you adjust the temperature and timing from anywhere in the house. Your days of having to frequently run back into the kitchen to check on your slow cooker are over.

Smart Frying Pan

Smart pans will help ensure that your food is cooked to perfection, from your eggs to burgers. Like other smart gadgets, the pan comes with an app that gives you recipes to get you started. There are sensors in the pan that let you know when the time is right to put your meat on the pan, when to flip it, and when it’s done. This is a great way to know if your food is cooked all the way, especially if you’re new to cooking or are trying a new recipe.

iRobot Braava jet 240 Mopping Robot

This advanced kitchen gadget is basically a mopping robot that will save you time and work. It mops and sweeps hard floors in your kitchen – and other small spaces – along with those hard to reach places. It’s programmed to keep your floors clean and will never ruin your rungs, walls, or furniture by spraying it with liquid. You’ll finally have time to do other things while your iRobot Braava takes care of the floors for you.

Smart Meat Thermometer

Every smart home should also have a smart meat thermometer, especially if you leave the kitchen often while cooking. These gadgets connect to your phone via Bluetooth and alert you when your food has reached the perfect temperature. The last thing you want to eat is raw or overcooked meat, right?

Quirky Egg Minder

A smart egg tray? Why, yes, they do exist. These are perfect for those who never know if they have eggs at home while grocery shopping. The Quirky Egg Minder not only keeps count of how many eggs you have in the fridge but also lets you know which ones are good or bad. This is done by tracking how long an individual egg has sat in the tray.

Looking for more ways to change up your kitchen? Please contac us via mail or phone.


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